Whitney font request on CMS

We have received reports where Whitney webfont load intermittently on sites (mostly CMS sites). Upon further investigation, it seems to limit to following condition:

  1. Use @import to request Whitney webfont
  2. @import is loaded through HTML source (not through CSS file) (i.e. when logged in to CMS using custom CSS)
  3. Chrome browsers only

While we can’t identify what causes the problem, whether it’s changes to Cloud Typography service, browsers, servers, etc., we do have a workaround to avoid the problem. We worked with CTLT team to create a plugin on adding Whitney font directly to HTML <head>. By loading the Whitney CSS request to HTML head, it will avoid the first two conditions mentioned above, it is also the recommended way of requesting Whitney webfont by Cloud Typography.


  1. Enable UBC CLF Whitney webfont plugin in UBC CMS dashboard
  2. Remove @import Whitney reference